Rachel's Beliefs

Rachel was a strong believer in compassion, kindness, and loving God. She reached out to people who were left out, and tried to make everyone feel welcome. She stood up to people, and was not afraid of what others might think. She lived for God, and it shows in her life and writings.

Many of Rachel's beliefs were stated in her essay "My Code of Ethics" (click link to view essay). She believed in equal treatment, and not judging someone based on who they were outside; but who they were inside. First impressions of someone are important on the outside, but the outside isn't always the truth. You have to not be afraid to dig deeper and truly discover who someone is.

Rachel also believed in loving God, and putting God first. She talked to God in her diaries about her love, but also about problems she faced. She even said herself that she was not close to being an angel. She contemplated issues, like whether she would drink when she went out with her friends that night, or whether she should smoke. At times she doubted herself and her faith, but she always knew God would lead her down the right path and did what she thought was right and God would want.

Rachel believed if one person could go out of their way to show compassion, it would start a chain reaction of the same. I think that's very true.

I think we could all learn a lesson or two from Rachel, and if we all tried to be more like Rachel, even if just in one good deed a day, we could all start a chain reaction and help to rid the world of the hatred we are consumed with.


  1. Rachel has given me a role model of what my faith should look like! I hope that I can be like her in my schools

  2. Oh my gosh I thought that this was talking to me for a moment because my name is Rachel, and it seemed like it was saying

  3. we talked about rachels challange at our school once.

  4. Rachel touched an amazing amount of lives when she walked this earth with us, but in her death, it has exponentially grown. May God continue to bless her family with the knowledge that Rachel did not die in vain and even in death she is forever changing lives for the better. Thank you for giving the world her story, so that we may all rejoice in God's love.


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